A downloadable game

My first game made and packaged. I'm so sorry.


SideQuest_Windows.zip 415 MB


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Great job and congrats on making your first game!! Bonus points for using Zac Oyama’s speech from Make Some Noise, that cracked me and my wife up 😂

Some things I’d consider for your next project - slow down the player speed a bit. Since the resolution is small, it’s hard to see what’s about to appear on the screen when I move so fast!

A healthbar would also be helpful for knowing how close I am to death.

I had fun playing this game and finding all the cranberries! Keep making games 💪

😂😂 I'm glad you liked the Make Some Noise reference! I was wanting to add him to the credits screen but with the way I did that screen, I didn't give myself a whole lot of space to add it. 

Good call on the player speed. That makes a lot of sense! Yeah I didn't consider how long it would take to do some of the more basic aspects of the game, especially with me learning how to do it at the same time, so I didn't get around to a healthbar. That was definitely something I knew I was missing. 

I'm glad you enjoyed and thanks for taking the time to play it!